Social impact of the museums
18.09.2024 - Social impact of the museums
The State of DEAI Practices in Museums
This study illustrates the current landscape of diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion (DEAI) practices in the museum field and, in turn, establishes a set of metrics that museums can use to measure the progress of their equity and inclusion work.
07.09.2023 - Social impact of the museums
Social Impact Toolkit
This museum social impact toolkit was developed as part of the Measurement of Museum Social Impact (MOMSI) research study, and was informed by the experiences of the study’s host museums from across the United States. Tips for success and perspectives included in the toolkit represent the experiences of museums of various sizes, scopes, and regions. -
16.01.2023 - Social impact of the museums
The Europeana Impact Playbook offers a four-phased approach to help you design, measure, narrate and evaluate the impact of projects.
16.01.2023 - Social impact of the museums
MOMSI Measurement of Museum Social Impact
The Measurement of Museum Social Impact (MOMSI) project addresses the critical need of establishing best practices for measuring social impact within the museum field.
16.01.2023 - Social impact of the museums
The MOI Framework
The MOI Framework is an impact-oriented evaluation framework specifically designed to reflect current issues in the societal impact of museums.
18.04.2018 - Social impact of the museums
Análisis de estudios de impacto 2017
Estudi de l'Observatorio Vasco de la Cultura sobre el valor públic de la cultura que profunditza en la perspectiva instrumental que situa la cultura com a mitjà per a aconseguir objectius econòmics, socials o mediambientals mitjançant els estudis d’impacte econòmic i de retorn social.
01.06.2017 - Social impact of the museums
Mesurant el valor creat per una exposició temporal de l'Auckland Museum
Informe sobre els resultats de l'aplicació de la metodologia del "retorn social de la inversió" (SROI) per analitzar l'exposició temporal Moana-My Ocean a l'Auckland Museum.
01.06.2017 - Social impact of the museums
Mesurant els impactes dels museus
Dins el projecte "The Learning Museums" trobem aquest article dedicat al tema de mesurar els impactes dels museus. Inclou alguns casos d’estudi.
01.06.2017 - Social impact of the museums
Guia per aplicar el Retorn Social de la Inversió (SROI)
Guia de l'"UK Cabinet Office" per mostrar a les organitzacions i institucions com prendre millors decisions utilitzant la metodoologia del "Retorn Social de la Inversió" (SROI), ajudant a reconèixer valor més enllà del que pot ser avaluat econòmicament.